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Summer 2025 Nursing Application – Jasper and Hamilton Campuses - Opens: January 3, 2025 | Closes: March 1, 2025

Summer 2025 Nursing Application – Jasper Campus Evening Program - Opens: January 3, 2025 | Closes: March 1, 2025

Admission to the Nursing program is competitive and the number of students admitted is limited by the number of faculty and clinical facilities available. Meeting the minimum requirements for admissions does not guarantee acceptance.

About the Program

The Nursing program is a five-semester program whose mission is to prepare graduates to practice safe, competent, patient-centered care in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing health care system. The program seeks to provide full and equal access to opportunities for educational success to meet the community needs.

The Nursing curriculum incorporates general education courses along with nursing courses. The nursing courses include classroom instruction with guided clinical experiences in varied health care agencies.

Nursing graduates have the opportunity to become Registered Nurses in the healthcare field after successful passage of the NCLEX-RN exam. Registered Nurses are among the most in-demand jobs in the region and also are among the highest paying.

Nursing Program QuickFacts

  • Nursing program is 5 semesters
  • 66 credit hours/1590 contact hours
  • Admission is on a competitive basis
  • The Number of students is limited by the number of faculty and clinical facilities available
  • Classes/Labs/Clinicals may be scheduled during days, evenings and/or weekends
  • Students seeking financial aid should see the Financial Aid Officer on the Appropriate Campus.
  • Minimum composite score of 18 on residual or national ACT will be required for entry to the nursing program.
  • ACT Scores from residual testing are valid only at the college and cannot be transferred by transcript or other means to any other institution or agency. The only exception is a waiver agreement between ACCS and ACT to allow the exchange of scores among the Alabama Community College System colleges.

Meeting the minimal requirements does not guarantee acceptance to the Nursing program.

It is recommended that you check with admissions on your campus to see if your file is complete prior to the Nursing application deadline.

Career Opportunities

Graduates upon passing licensure exams are prepared to fulfill Registered Nursing, or Licensed Practical Nursing entry-level positions as staff nurses and may be employed in a variety of settings such as hospitals, clinics, physicians’ offices, rehabilitative and long-term care facilities, and outpatient clinics.

Admissions to the Nursing Program

Applicants admitted into the Bevill State Community College Associate Degree Nursing program each year will be selected from high school graduates/GED recipients, students currently enrolled at Bevill State, applicants to the LPN Mobility Track program, and students transferring from other colleges and/or universities, according to established criteria.

Admission to the Nursing program is a competitive process because the number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces available. The space available at clinical sites and student-teacher ratios required by the Alabama Board of Nursing limit the number of applicants accepted each year. The final selection is made by the Nursing Admissions Committee. All applicants will be notified by mail of admission decisions.

Bevill State Community College has an institutional goal of ensuring diversity among its students; therefore, students are admitted on a competitive basis without discrimination with regard to age, religion, creed, ethnic origin, marital status, race, gender, or disability which does not interfere with attainment of program objectives. For more detailed information, please review the admission requirements outlined in the Course Catalog.

Continuing Your Education

Advanced educational degrees are not required for all areas of specialization. Masters and doctoral programs are available for those who wish to become certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical specialists, nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, nurse administrators, and nursing educators. One who enters nursing must have a sincere interest in people and a desire to practice professional nursing in a manner that best promotes the patient's well-being. Good judgment is essential, as is the ability to maintain good interpersonal relationships. Academic ability and good study habits are a necessity. Tact, adaptability, and a sense of humor are important characteristics.

Bevill State Nursing Program Outcomes (PDF)

Professional Licensure/Certification Disclosure
This program can lead to licensure or certification in the following states (PDF)

If you have any questions regarding the data provided and what it means to you as a student, please feel free to call 1800-648-3271, ext. 5877.