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Institutional Effectiveness & Research

Bevill State Community College's Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research supports the College’s mission, planning, assessment, and research needs by providing decision-makers with the most up-to-date College data and projections, and facilitating the continuous improvement process at all levels.

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research provides academic and administrative leaders with a framework for strategic planning and continuous improvement. Through this systematic and documented process, each academic, administrative, and support unit identifies expected outcomes, assesses the achievement of those outcomes, and provides evidence of improvement based on the analysis of results (SACSCOC Principles of Accreditation, Section 8:2).

The College’s planning and assessment process relies heavily on survey results from students, faculty, staff, community leaders, directors of area industry, and the like. The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research facilitates most all College surveys whether administered online or by paper and coordinates to publish results in a user-friendly format that is easy to understand. The College participates in a number of national assessments that allow the institution to compare itself with peer community colleges from around the nation. These surveys include the Survey of Entering Student Engagement (SENSE), Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey, and the National Community College Benchmark Project.

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research also assists with the College’s development, administration, and management of federal, state, and local grants. Over the years, external funding has been obtained to create student scholarships, enhance facilities, and update technology and equipment for student use.

Reports, factoids, and data summaries are provided on the page's left-hand menu.

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