All research involving human subjects at Bevill State Community College must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Committee (IRC) for the protection of Bevill State’s students, faculty, administration, and staff. Review and approval are also required for research carried out by an institution other than Bevill State Community College, but which is performed on the premises of Bevill State Community College, even if the research has already been approved by the Institutional Review Board of a sponsoring institution.
The College’s IRC, whose goal is the safeguarding of the rights and welfare of individual research participants, is to provide an independent determination concerning whether research participants are placed at minimal risk or greater than minimal risk; and, if greater than minimal risk is involved, to assure that:
Research covered that has been approved by the IRC may be subject to further review by additional members of the senior administration of the College. However, those additional reviewers may not approve the research if it has not been approved by the IRC or if written assurances have not been provided that it will be submitted for further review at the next scheduled IRC meeting.
Approval means that the IRC has reviewed the research and that the research may be conducted at Bevill State Community College within the policies and procedures outlined in this document and within the constraints of other institutional and federal requirements. IRC approval does not necessarily imply commendation for the research itself.
If approved, the Director of Institutional Effectiveness & Research will communicate in writing and coordinate with the requestor to conduct the research.