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Return of Title IV Funds

Federal regulations state that any student who withdraws from all courses prior to the 60% point of the semester may only keep the federal financial aid that they have earned. If a student received any grant funds under a Title IV program (Pell Grant and FSEOG) and the student completely withdraws a portion of these funds may need to be returned under the guidance of the federal formula. When this occurs, Bevill State will return any unearned funds to the U.S. Department of Education on the student’s behalf and the student will owe a repayment of those unearned funds to the college.

A complete official withdrawal is defined as the date the student submits a completed Drop/Withdrawal Form (dropping all classes) to the Office of Student Services or instructional site. In those cases when a student unofficially withdraws (stops attending without completing the withdrawal process), the withdrawal date is the mid-point (50%) of the term.

Repayment is defined as the unearned grant money the student must return to the college. The amount of repayment will be based on a formula prescribed by federal policies that consider the date of withdrawal and the amount of federal grant funds (excludes Federal Work-Study) received. Students who owe a repayment to the college will not be allowed to register for subsequent terms until outstanding charges are paid.

If a return is required, a specific order of refund has been established by the federal government. Bevill State does not participate in the federal loan programs so Federal Pell Grant is returned first, followed by the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG).

The school must return the amount of Title IV funds for which it is responsible as soon as possible but no later than 45 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student has withdrawn.

If the amount disbursed to the student is less than the amount the student earned, and for which the student is otherwise eligible, he or she is eligible to receive a post-withdrawal disbursement of the earned aid that was not received.

The school may automatically use all or a portion of the post-withdrawal disbursement of grant (Pell Grant and SEOG) funds for tuition, fees, and room and board charges (as contracted with the school). The school needs the student’s permission to use the post-withdrawal grant disbursement for all other school charges. If the student does not give their permission, the student will be offered the funds. However, it may be in the student’s best interest to allow the school to keep the funds to reduce any debt at the school. For any grant funds owed a student, the school must make the disbursement as soon as possible, but no later than 45 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew.

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