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ACCS Chancellor Appoints Dr. Kim Ennis as Interim President of Bevill State

March 09, 2017

Alabama Community College System (ACCS) Acting Chancellor Jimmy Baker announced that Dr. Kim Ennis of Kansas, Alabama, has been appointed to serve as interim president of Bevill State Community College which has campuses in Fayette, Hamilton, Jasper and Sumiton as well an educational center in Carrollton, Alabama, effective March 10, 2017. Dr. Ennis previously served as interim president in 2015. In addition, she has served as the Executive Vice President at Bevill State Community College since July 2016.

Mr. Baker commented, "With more than 30 years of service at Bevill State Community College in various capacities, I believe Dr. Ennis will provide the leadership and vision needed at Bevill State Community during this transition period. I appreciate her willingness to serve the Bevill State community and its students during this important time."

Dr. Ennis earned an Associate degree in Science from Walker College in 1982. She is a 1990 graduate of Birmingham-Southern College, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. Dr. Ennis earned a Master of Arts Degree from the University of Alabama in Birmingham in 1998. In 2005 she earned a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from UAB/University of Alabama. Dr. Ennis is a 1997 graduate of the Mississippi Community College Fellowship Program and a 1998 alumnus of Leadership Walker County. She currently is the facilitator for Leadership Walker County. Dr. Ennis frequently serves as a professional development facilitator focusing on leadership, personality, and team building. Dr. Ennis has been an active member in the Alabama Deans of Student Affairs Association and served as the association president for 2009-2010. Dr. Ennis has also been a committed and active community leader. She is an active member of the Chamber of Commerce of Walker County having served as the chairperson of the Board in 2013 and the chairperson of the Chamber's Focus Walker County Workforce Development and Education Initiative.

Dr. Ennis made the following statement concerning her appointment, “Bevill State Community College is an iconic institution that serves a seven county area of northwestern Alabama. The services and educational opportunities this great College offers this region of the state is based upon the quality and commitment of an outstanding faculty and staff. It is a privilege for me to once again serve as the Interim President of Bevill State. This College means so much to me personally, as well as to the many students and community partners we interact with on a daily basis. If my outlook on life could be characterized with one word it would be optimistic. I genuinely believe the next big opportunity is always just around the corner, and I like to peek around the corner. With the culture of innovation that is currently embraced by our College, we are poised to be an influencer in the future of higher education in Alabama. During the interim, I am committed to moving the college forward with the positive momentum we have established in the past 14 months.”

Baker further commented, "Our search for a permanent president will be a priority and I want to assure the entire Bevill State community that the college's good work will continue. I have complete confidence in Dr. Ennis's ability to provide quality dependable leadership to the college during this transition period."